Laura McCabe's Embellished Beadweaving: Jewelry Lavished with Fringe, Fronds, Lacework & More (Lark Books Beadweaving Master Class) [Hardcover]
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Here Laura, whom is the sweetest and most talented person one could meet takes a departure from her glitzy past and dives back into beadweaving using less crystal and more earthy materials such as: japanese and Czech Seed beads, freshwater pearl and frosted glass beads(peacock to be specific). Before I talk about Laura's amazing new book, this is someone who almost single handedly brought back rivolis from the dead and created the opportunity for Yorkbeads to be a main supplier of 15/0 metallic plated Czech charlottes. Btw, as laura points out in her new book , only 15/0 Czech Charlottes are small enough to embezzle as Japanesse 15/0 runs much larger due to their bigger holes. Don't worry Laura finds many other uses for the japanese seed beads.
Here is my Amazon book review:

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This review is from: Laura McCabe's Embellished Beadweaving: Jewelry Lavished with Fringe, Fronds, Lacework & More (Lark Books Beadweaving Master Class) (Hardcover)
First, I am in the bead business so I am biased. Most of us do not get to walk down the red carpet. Crystals are way too over rated!!! In this book, Laura uses Japanese and Czech seed beads to accent natural materials and frosted(matte) glass, as in her "Nudibranch Bracelet"(page 83). Laura states, "embellish means to decorate, to enhance, to add beauty through ornamentation or fanciful details". The components are not the star, but the artist is. Laura's jewelry can be worn at your local coffee shop or at your most cherished event. Either way, they make you feel unique, not one of the crowd. Thanks Laura.the "nudibranch Bracelet" is featured on the back cover and uses a plentiful amount of peacock Matte black AB daggers. Laura also uses our tutti frutti peacock dagger as well as a 10mm pressed black ab peacock coin(will post a picture later, Laura gave me permission)
2-Bead N Button June 2010
Issue #97
i never met Maggie Roschyk, but through a customer using our Czech Picasso turquoise seed beads Maggie is
the COVER STORY: Framed!
Work a right-angle weave frame around an art bead and suspend it from a herringbone necklace. CONGRATULATIONS MAGGIE
These are two examples of small niche products with "bigger potential" thanks to bead enthusiasts like you!
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